Life after the attack on Kaaj educational center in Kabul for Fatima Amiri

Zahra, an eleven-year-old girl who has dream of becoming a doctor, lives with her family of five in the city of Kabul. Zahra and her family have faced many challenges since her father’s disappearance. Her father was a taxi driver, and five years ago, one morning, just like always, he left home to go to work. However, this time, something unpleasant happened.
Zahra says, “My father always used to tell us what we needed before leaving our house. That day, I needed a notebook for school, so I called out to my father, but his cell phone was off. We got really worried. After that night, we heard nothing from my father. We made many efforts, went everywhere to find him, but there was no result. Days and nights passed, but we are still waiting.”
Zahra feels that her father is still alive, but it has been five years, and there is no news of him. During this time, Zahra and her family have experienced significant economic difficulties. As a result, Zahra had lost his dream of becoming a doctor.

“My father used to work and provide for us. We had a good life. But now, we are in a situation where we have to fight to survive. I really wanted to go to school like other children and have a bright future, but life’s challenges have hindered my dreams.”
Zahra’s mother is the only breadwinner of the family and has to walk long distances every day to provide for her family of five. She says, “My husband’s disappearance left my future and the future of my children uncertain. I work in people’s homes, and with the meager income I earn daily, it’s challenging to make ends meet for my family.” The absence of their father has been a heavy burden for Zahra during this time, and she is also facing health problems as she grows up.
Fulfilling her dream of becoming a doctor, breaking the chains of hardships, and lighting up the future:
After assessing Zahra and her brothers’ situation, the HBT organization has provided them with educational support and is striving to rebuild their lives and secure their future. Zahra and her brothers have been under HBT’s support for three years now. They study in a private school in Kabul and rank first in their classes.
Zahra joyfully says, “When HBT recognized us and provided support, our hope shone like a bright light. It helps me to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and build a better future.”

The HBT organization, understanding the needs and potentials of Zahra and her brothers, has also helped them establish a small business to improve their financial situation alongside their education. “I am very happy that now we have a source of income, and my brothers can help my mother in managing the household expenses. We are thankful to HBT.”
Lack of a guardian makes children miss out on the warmth of family and education, forces them into labor, leads them toward an uncertain future, and burdens society as a result.
Zahra’s dream of becoming a doctor, and despite the difficulties, her determination and hope are growing. The support of the HBT organization ensures that no child’s dream, especially a child like Zahra facing economic challenges, is forgotten.