Girls in Afghanistan are suffering from mental illnesses

It has been 10 months since girls in Afghanistan were prohibited from attending secondary schools, leading to devastating consequences for them, their families, and the future of the country.
Anxiety, fear, pressure, obsession, and forgetfulness are some of the things that these students have experienced during the last 10 months. Mina, one of the students supported by the HBT Organization educational-focused charity in Kabul, says that the closure of schools and the lack of access to education have adversely affected her mental well-being.
She says she is always thinking about when the schools will reopen so she can return to her classes.

Sadia is another student who lives in Kabul.The lack of access to education and clarity about the future has made her suffer forgetfulness in her other chores. Shabnam is another student aggrieved and loses hope every day in her future due to the ban on girls’ education, causing her to become isolated.
Shabnam says: “It hurts me a lot when I remember my school and classmates. Most of the time, I get bored and fight with my sister”. Shakiba, another student supported by HBT.ORG states, “uncertain future has taken away her peace, and she and her classmates are in a state of confusion.”.
Human rights agencies continue to warn of the consequences of school closures in the country. Activists have taken to the web under the #LetAfghanGirlsLearn campaign to demand back the right to study. Women’s rights activists, meanwhile, say that school closures have further exacerbated forced marriages and family violence.
Despite repeated calls to allow girls in Afghanistan to attend classes again, there are still no answers and signs on reopening of girl’s schools Access to education is a fundamental right of every child, irrespective of gender. HBT organization, as an education-focused institution, demands the opening of girls’ secondary schools immediately. #LetAfghanGirlsLearn.
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