food packages distributed to 53 needy families in Nangarhar province.

HBT is pleased to announce that it has completed the seventh round of food package distribution to 53 needy families in #Nangarhar from its humanitarian response program. With the financial backing of ALDC (Afghans living in DC), a DC-based diaspora group, and other supporting groups, we distributed these packages to 53 needy families in Nangarhar, Afghanistan.
Food Packages for 768 families
The total families that HBT already distributed food aid packages to reached 768 families in all seven rounds in #Kabul, Wardak, Ghazni, Nangarhar, and Logar.
We are committed to continuing humanitarian assistance to those in need and reaching the other provinces of Afghanistan. Please consider donating to this fundraiser. Every dollar counts and we urge you to become involved in helping Afghans in need. Together we can help people in Afghanistan.