206 needy families in Afghanistan received food packages in Wardak province

HBT is pleased to announce that it has completed its 6th round of food distribution campaign for 206 needy families in Afghanistan. these packages were distributed to Wardak province.
With the financial backing of ALDC (Afghans living in the DC Area), a DC-based Afghan diaspora group, we distributed food packages to 206 needy families. This brings our total families that we have helped to 715 families in all six rounds in Kabul, Ghazni, Wardak, and Logar provinces.
HBT is committed to support needy families in Afghanistan
Our humanitarian responses do not end here; given the rough economic situation in Afghanistan due to the abrupt collapse and the disengagement of the international community, Afghans are greatly suffering, and the food shortage severely affects families and children.
We are committed to continuing humanitarian assistance to those in need in Afghanistan. Please consider donating to this fundraiser. Together we can help as many people as possible in Afghanistan. Links for donations are below: